The way we relate to ourselves is the most valuable thing in the world – how well we know and understand ourselves. Hypnotherapy sessions can create this connection.

Hypnotherapy allows us to create a bridge to our subconscious mind, to see what is really going on. When we allow ourselves to let go, to relax deeply, we can really explore what is beneath the ocean – in the deepest part of the iceberg – what our fears, memories, desires and hopes really are.

During the sessions some long-forgotten memories can show up. And if they come, we welcome them totally – not pushing anything away. Then something inside us becomes unfrozen. This liberates us from our old ways, and we regain a new space that is available for a fresh beginning.

A way to change patterns and be free from addiction

Hypnotherapy is also very helpful for looking at habitual behaviour, patterns and beliefs, allowing us to better understand how we function and can let go of addictions and habits. 

Recent studies in neuroscience have demonstrated the benefits of altered states of consciousness (such as trance or hypnosis, yoga Nidra / yoga sleep) – deep meditative states when our logical mind is turned off for a while. It has been shown that during such sessions, the brain creates new neural connections.

Intentional deep relaxation practices promote synaptic plasticity, enhancing memory and learning functions, and gradually lead to improved memory, emotional regulation and other positive cognitive changes.

How does it feel?

From my own experience of hypnotherapy: After receiving sessions, I would have some great ideas and inspirations, something completely new and fresh – things, people, events, opportunities would come to me and I had no idea how and why it was happening. I just recognised that it had to do with the hypnosis sessions I’d received.

I was aware of the present and past, without the sense of identification that had prevented me from learning from those experiences, while allowing me to let them go.

Hypnotherapy session prices

Hypnotherapy private session 60 minutes80 €
Hypnotherapy private session 90 minutes110 €

Man lives in deep hypnosis. I have been working on hypnosis because that is the only way to bring man out of hypnosis, to understand it. All awakening is a sort of de-hypnotization, so the process of hypnosis has to be understood very, very clearly. Only then can you move out of it. A disease has to be understood, diagnosed; only then can it be treated. Hypnosis is the disease of man, and de-hypnosis will be the way.

Osho, Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega

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