Therapeutic Bodywork
My first experience of Healing approach to the body happened in Osho Meditation resort, Pune, India. In Osho world the meaning of massage is much more then just a classical, well-known approach to the body. Here the respect for a Being in a Human Body is the priority, and the art of bodywork is born by direct guidelines of enlightened Mystic Osho. From my teachers in Pune I learned that massage is a dance, dance of energy between 2 people.

We are meeting as 2 people in the beginning of the session and at the end of it the boundaries are melted away
When the bodywork performed with mindfulness, it opens up the doors of sensitivity: it unlocks physical, emotional and mental holdings; it becomes a meditation and the person gets in touch with his /her deeper core. There are so many layers and levels that the healing touch can penetrate.
What is happening on the physical body level it is just the beginning of an opening.
The sessions that I am offering around the world it is really an integration of several techniques:
My background in Bodywork is in Ayurveda Yoga Massage ( Pune, India style), and Thai Massage ( Northern Thailand Massage style). I also met and continue meeting a really gifted Body Therapists, who taught me their art of touch.
Along the way of developing my own style, I am integrating in my sessions the conscious way of breathing, meditation, hypnotherapy, reiki and what is the most important – the teachings from my masters. At the end of the session I do healing and energy balancing, the person enters into the deep relaxation and silence.

Massage Styles
Ayurveda Yoga Massage
It is an Indian technique that evolved in the ancient Yoga schools; a unique system of bodywork that combines deep tissue massage, therapeutic Yoga stretches and the conscious use of breathing.
The massage is usually done on the floor with hands and the soles of the feet, using Ayurvedic oils and herbal powder.
It is a most effective way to open up the body, relieve muscular and emotional tension, align the body, reduce stress and calm the mind.
In this Bodywork You are experiencing the restoration of balance in the physical, mental and emotional levels and the opening of the space for healing from within. In the East, has long been prized the art of Yoga massage for its healing properties. Today, therapeutic Yoga massage again recognized and thriving in the western world. According to Ayurveda, health – is a harmonious balance between body & mind and the environment. Ayurveda Yoga Massage stimulates the immune system. It can return to Your body grace and liveliness, get rid of chronic tension in the neck, shoulders, lower back and joints, improve blood circulation and lymphatic system and bring awareness to the old habits and patterns in the body.
Meditative therapist, whose touch comes from the space of love and presence, can help You to be relaxed and aware. Then the session becomes a dance of energy – light and flowing. We can relax and feel our innate beauty and vitality at a deep level. This massage is the invitation to be relaxed and present; it brings You a sense of harmony and health, fullness of life and returns to the body its natural wisdom.
Soft wave of vital energy begins to flow throughout the body and people have the feeling as if they were freed from the heavy load, and many feel filled with fresh life forces.
As a result, the body becomes easier, it returns to the flexibility and health, and we can be more responsive and consciously perceive ourselves and all that surrounds us.
By relaxing the body we are able to relax the mind and tap into the silence of Being. Then the healing is happening easily, the channels of energy are open and free.

The Benefits
- Gives the body ease, energy and aliveness
- Stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic system, detoxifies and rejuvenates
- Strengthens the body’s resistance to disease by strengthening the immune system
- Improves mobility and flexibility of the joints
- Releases the tension and stiffness in muscle tissues and emotional holdings
- Calms the nervous system, Improves concentration and makes the mind clear
- Normalises sleep
- Nourishes the skin
- Releases the tension and stiffness in the muscles
- Enhances the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the body
Thai Massage
What I am offering it is a modified Northern Thai massage is usually done on the floor and the person can wear a light cloth.
The origins of traditional Thai massage began over 2,500 years ago along with the introduction of Buddhism. It is one of four branches of traditional medicine in Thailand, the others being herbs, nutrition, and spiritual practice.
Thai massage looks like a cross between acupressure, yoga, and Zen shiatsu and is inspired by Buddhist teachings. The actual massage consists of a technique that uses slow, rhythmic compressions and stretches along the body’s energy lines, also called Sen in Thai. Over 70,000 Sen are said to exist within the body, and Thai massage concentrates on applying pressure along 10 of the most important Sen.
The therapist uses thumbs, palms, forearms, elbows, knees and feet to create a dance of movement on the body of the recipient. In this process, joints are opened, muscles and tendons are stretched, internal organs are toned, and energy is balanced. The overall effect is one of deep relaxation, rejuvenation, and physical and mental well being.
The major energy lines are manipulated, and important pressure points along these pathways are stimulated to help break down blockages, stimulate energy flow and restore balance and harmony.
Identifying features of traditional Thai massage are integrated yoga postures, which are performed on the recipient. Through assisted yoga, the body is stretched in ways that are easier to attain then through individual exercise and yoga practice. The result of a full-body Thai treatment is often an exciting and powerful mind/body healing experience, bringing both the recipient and the therapist to heightened states of physical and spiritual well-being
For many, traditional Thai massage is also a spiritual discipline in that it incorporates the practices of mindfulness (breath awareness) and loving kindness (focused compassion). These techniques, when shared by practitioner and client, help bring the treatment session to a focused and deep level.

The Benefits
The benefits of Thai massage are numerous with the most predominant being the maintenance of good health and its ability to treat a wide spectrum of physical concerns. Traditional Thai massage is also well known for its ability to clear the energy pathways.
The following are some of the benefits of Thai massage.
- Increases flexibility and range of movement
- Eliminates muscle pain and muscle spasms
- Improves postural alignment
- Calms the nervous system and promotes a deep sense of relaxation
- Increased energy level
- Allows for a significant release of deep, emotional distress
- Stimulates blood circulation and lymph drainage
- Stimulates internal organs
- Relieves fatigue, swollen limbs, painful joints, and headaches
- Relieves anxiety, relief of physical and emotional tension, improved sleep, improved flexibility, greater awareness of body and mind, and a release of blocked energy
Massage session prices
Massage (60 min) | 80 € |
Reflexology (45 min) | 70 € |
Head & Neck massage (45 min) | 70 € |
Reiki healing (60 min) | 80 € |
Massage is something that you can start learning but you never finish. It goes on and on, and the experience becomes continuously deeper and deeper, and higher and higher. Massage is one of the subtlest arts – and it is not only a question of expertise. It is more a question of love”. “Learn the technique – then forget it. Then just ‘feel’, and move by feeling. When you learn deeply, ninetypercent of the work is done by love, tenpercent by the technique. By just the very touch – a loving, conscious touch, something relaxes in the body. “If you love and feel compassion for the other person, and feel the ultimate value of him; if you don’t treat him as if he is a mechanism to be put right, but an energy of tremendous value; if you are grateful that he trusts you and allows you to play with his energy – then by and by you will feel as if you are playing on an organ. The whole body becomes the keys of the organ and you can feel that harmony is created inside the body”